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Meet Scott Shipman

The "Disaster Pastor"

Scott's ministry began when he Pastored a local church in Illinois. From there he went on to Pastor a campus ministry for over 25 years where he developed a passion for Disaster ministry. Through the campus ministry Scott founded a disaster response non-profit that was able to "meet a need and plant a seed" to those affected by natural disasters for 12 years.  


Today, Scott travels across the country challenging folks to "meet a need and plant a seed" while

continuing the call from God to respond to those impacted by natural disasters. 

Audience Testimonials

Straight from the Source

“Before you ever hear him preach, you can tell by the spark in his eye and the passion
in his voice, that Scott is crazy about our Lord. If you are looking to be comfortable and
do “church as usual” don’t invite him.  His preaching is direct, challenging, relevant and
captivating.  We can’t wait to have him back!”

- Tom Hess
Union United Church
Brazil Indiana

"Scott's preaching is passionate and bold, yet with a down to earth style and personal
way of illustration that inspires interest in the things of God and draws ones heart
toward a stronger commitment to Jesus, Be ready to move when you hear this guy
proclaim his heart for Jesus."

James Hill
Anderson Indiana

"Passion is everywhere, but passion for Christ seems to be a rare commodity. Scott has kept his faith "alive" and his passion for Jesus is contagious. His message inspires us to do something with our faith. Whatever the size or the background of people, Scott has a way of sharing the message in a relevant way. Sure he looks like an ole classic Rocker, but that is what we love about him, he is himself. There is something oddly refreshing about this man and his message!"

- Tim Maxson
Crossroads Christian Church

"When Scott Shipman takes the floor, he draws you in immediately with his eyes. It's not enough to say that Scott has a sincere look. You have to go farther and say that when Scott looks at you, he communicates that he is sincerely concerned for your soul. Scott does not play around when it comes to the truth. He will make no bones about the fact that you are hopeless without Christ, but he will say it with the kind of love that makes you realize, "He really believes this, and he really cares about me, too. This guy is not
blowing smoke." Scott communicates the truths of the Gospel in a way that convicts you to the point where you have to decide if you will take it to heart or ignore it to your peril.
His is a no nonsense style of delivery that cuts directly to the quick and wastes no time shedding light on bad attitudes and misguided convictions you may be harboring in your
heart. Scott's preaching is relevant and commanding. His messages are filled with compassionate love and concern, but the fiery, tough and piercing technique of the
prophet is always looming and alive in every word."

- John Thomas Oaks
Musician, Play writer

"Scott Shipman rocks! Scott delivers messages aimed straight at the heart, mind, and
soul of this generation. His messages are relevant for today’s world, but have not taken
away from the timeless message of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins. Scott is the
real deal, a man truly seeking after God."

Jeff Morton
Sonic Surrender

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